
Six Foundations of HealthHealthy Foundation 4 - is Getting Enough Sunshine, Earth & AirHealth Foundation 5 - is Eating Nutrient Dense FoodHealth Foundation 6 - is Being Tuned and TonedHealth Foundation 1 - is staying informed in the field of nutrition

Health Foundation # 1 is
Reliable Health Information

A wise man once saidDon't live in the dark regarding your  health , “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6)

only in the light of correct knowledge can we choose what’s right!



  1. Dr. Albert Einstein said it another way. Said he, “We cannot solve the significant problems of our lives at the same level of thinking we were at when we created those problems.”
  2. Dr. Steven R. Covey said, “If one has an incorrect map of the territory, one is inevitably lost.”
So, to improve ourselves, we have to think better (with a more correct viewpoint) than we have in the past. There is no other way

With today’s promulgation of incorrect ideas regarding health, people can be utterly lost and confused about what is really important to do in order to maintain health. Most people really do have an incorrect map of the subject of health. Even well-meaning government employees, parents and teachers pass along incorrect ideas to those who rely upon them to know the truth. Thus, we all remain lost.

The basic reason that correct knowledge is not taught is there is no profit motive in good health. A healthy person doesn’t need medicine, heart transplants and chemotherapy. A healthy person lives longer and thus receives many more pension checks than an unhealthy person.

So, at many levels Big Pharma, Big Government and Big Business promulgate ideas that lead us to believe that good health is not the result of anything we do or don’t do, but is just like the weather, out of our control. The truth is exactly the opposite.

As independent health researchers and wellness coaches, we teach you what IS REAL (i.e., WORKING) for maintaining the wellness and vitality of ourselves and our customers. We encourage you to sign up for our biweekly newsletter (sent via email) and keep abreast of the ever-expanding knowledge in the arena of health and wellness.

Our newsletter teaches true wellness principles and identifies the best health practices for those who wish to be healthy through the longest possible lifetime. Once you are enlightened, you have the opportunity to become a light regarding true health principles to those around you, but most importantly, the knowledge you will gain can help you and your loved ones improve your quality of life.

You must internalize the fact that if you don’t take care of your own health, no one else will. The ugly truth is:
  1. The government would prefer that we die soon after retiring from the workplace so as to minimize social security and Medicare payments.
  2. Medical doctors and hospitals are focused on immediate results through drugs that suppress symptoms. They are controlled by the pharmaceutical companies who are not in the business of teaching lifestyle change that would enable lasting health. That would run counter to their profits.
  3. Pharmaceutical companies benefit when their drugs reduce symptoms but do not cure. Despite rhetoric, they do not benefit from finding actual cures.
  4. Large food companies benefit when their products are made so addicting that consumers buy ever increasing amounts of them.

Since none of the above have your true interests at heart, we warn you that neither big government nor big pharmaceutical companies nor big food companies should be in charge of your health.

In regard to the medical field, no matter how caring and effective medical personnel are. The facts remain:

  • Medical professionals have extensive and nearly exclusive training in responding to infections, cuts, broken bones and other traumas, and in providing drug and/or surgery based interventions with the purpose of alleviating symptoms, responding to accidents, congenital defects and similar traumatic situations. That’s what they are BEST at. And, like you, we are impressed and appreciative of their skill. They fix us when we are broken.
  • However, in terms of long term wellness, most medical professionals are not qualified to help you in regard to the BEST care and maintenance of the human frame. This is the realm of wellness coaches and nutritionists.

Although we are hugely grateful for repair (because it is wonderful when it is needed), maintenance is better than repair. Human health maintenance is currently the realm of wellness coaches and nutritional advisors who try to help us maintain our health instead of medical doctors whose training is in regard to fixing us when our health needs repair.

The bottom line: become informed by those who have the best information. Subscribe today for our bi-monthly newsletter.

Some Quotes to Remember:
  • "The work of the doctor will, in the future, be ever more that of an educator, and ever less that of a man who treats ailments."
    - Lord Horder

  • "The doctors of the future will give no medicine, but rather will interest their patients in the care of the human frame through lifestyle and diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
    - Thomas Edison
  • "The human body heals itself and nutrition provides the resources to accomplish the task."
    - Roger Williams Ph.D.
  • "Vitality and beauty are gifts of Nature for those who live according to its laws."
    - Leonard Da Vinci
  • “If the doctor of today does not become the dietitian of tomorrow, the dietitian of today will become the doctor of tomorrow."
    - Dr. Alexis Carrel, Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research

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