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Foundations of Health and Wellness

Six Foundations of HealthHealth Foundation 2 - is to Increase NutritionHealthy Foundation 4 - is Getting Enough Sunshine, Earth & AirHealth Foundation 6 - is Being Tuned and TonedHealth Foundation 1 - is knowing that "My Health is Up to Me"Health Foundation 3 is Eliminating Toxicities

foreverhealthyBuilding one’s life upon these six foundations of health (to the left) is THE SUREST WAY to  maximize the number of years that one gets to be healthy and well (or in other words, have energy and freedom from pain & disease which furnish a foundation for one’s pursuit of happiness).

  • We invite you to learn more about each of the foundations of health and wellness.
  • Click within the image to the left (or on the links below) to learn more about each foundation of health:



The six foundations of health are:
  1. Keep the Gastrointestinal System Running Great - key to optimum health
  2. Keep Toxins Out of You - so toxins don’t undermine your health
  3. Put Nutrition In - optimum health requires a great variety of nutrients
  4. Burn Fat, Not Sugar - the right source of energy is pivotal to health
  5. Maintain Communication Pathways - or health unravels
  6. Maintain a Good Rhythm - life revolves around good rhythms

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* These statements, products and practices have not been evaluated by the FDA.
They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.