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Oxygen - We are Oxygen Dependent Creatures

cellular_mitochondriaProduction of life-sustaining energy in the human body occurs within our cellular mitochondria via oxygen respiration. Having sufficient amounts of oxygen within the cellular mitochondria is prerequisite for energy production. Energy production in the mitochondria is similar to the production of heat in a furnace in that everyone knows that a fire only burns if there is oxygen. No oxygen, the fire goes out. Little oxygen and the fire sputters and does not burn effectively. Similarly, if oxygen content inside the mitochondria goes down, energy production goes down as well. As energy production goes down, one’s health and ability to live well goes down:

Lack of Oxygen in the Mitochondria is a Huge Cause of Health Challenges

  • According to Dr. Arthur Guyton, M.D., "All chronic suffering is caused from a lack of oxygen at the cell level."
  • Dr. Parris Kid, PhD, states, "We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of all disease."
  • Dr. Otto Warburg, recipient of two Nobel prizes in Medicine, referred to oxygen as "a vital cell detoxifier", and before anyone else, pointed to oxygen deficiency as the underlying cause of cancer and other degenerative diseases, and ultimately the death of the cell. He is quoted as saying, "Cancer has only one prime cause. It is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body's cells by an anaerobic (i.e. oxygen-deficient) cell respiration."
  • As Dr. W. Spencer Way writes in the Journal of the American Association of Physicians, "Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life-threatening disease. The link between insufficient oxygen and disease has now been firmly established."
  • In a publication entitled Oxygen Deficiency; A Concomitant to all Degenerative Diseases, by Dr. Stephen Levine, renowned Molecular Biologist, he states, "In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state. Low oxygen in the tissues is a sure indicator for disease. Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause of all degenerative disease."
  • This was verified by Philip Isely, proponent of the Phytoplankton Project for restoring oxygen to the world, when he said, “There is growing evidence that cancer and other degenerative diseases are partly the result of the earth's diminishing oxygen levels.”

Scientist like Dr. Way and many others now believe that the initial symptoms of "oxygen deprivation" - which in actuality constitutes the gradual oxygen starvation of the body's one hundred trillion cells - include the following (if any of these apply to you, you ought to make increasing oxygen in your body be a highest priority):

  • Premature aging
  • Overall bodily weakness
  • Muscle aches (especially backs of legs)
  • Anxiety, depression and stress
  • Dizziness
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Memory loss
  • Irrational behavior
  • Chronic hostility
  • Circulation problems
  • Poor digestion
  • Acid stomach
  • Lowered immunity to colds and flu
  • Bronchial problems
  • Tumors and deposit buildups
  • Various bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections

Oxygen_benefitsOxygen Benefits

It is abundantly obvious that oxygen is the vital factor which gives our body the oxidizing "firepower" it requires to liberate the energy which facilitates life. Oxygen is the vital factor our cells need to resist microorganisms and repel disease (most infectious agents simply cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment). The benefits of optimum levels of cellular oxygen include all the benefits shown below:

Bottom line: if one wants to feel and function as well as possible, then one should ensure that ample amounts of oxygen go into one’s cells.

However, one cannot just wish higher levels of oxygen into one’s cells. The following impediments to having sufficient cellular oxygen must be overcome:

Polluted air reduces amounts of oxygen in the body.

Most health monitoring organizations are concerned with air pollution because polluted air and under-oxygenated air restricts results in less saturation of blood with oxygen, which in turn limits the amount of oxygen that can transfer through cell membranes into the cells. Not surprisingly, there is a verifiable increase in mortality rates in polluted cities.

Indoor air is often oxygen content reduced air.

Most homes have both higher concentrations of pollutants and lower amounts of oxygen than outdoor air. This puts significant stress on the human body as it tries to function with reduced oxygen. Completely to the opposite of what would be wisest thing to do, when people don’t feel well, very often, they confine themselves to indoors where oxygen levels are less than outdoors. Consequently, cellular energy throughout the body can become reduced and consequently the immune system function reduced, leading to more health challenges.

Shallow breathing means our bodies get less amounts of oxygen.

Air pollution is not the only cause of lessened blood and tissue oxygenation and potentially less oxygen in cells. Another factor is shallow breathing. Many people don’t breathe deeply because of their sedentary life style.

Insufficient capillary networks mean that oxygen doesn’t reach all cells as well as needed.

Aerobic exercise conditioned persons have more blood vessels and capillaries to carry oxygen throughout their bodies than do unconditioned people. This is why aerobic exercise is important — it encourages the body to expand its capillary network, allowing oxygen in the air we breathe to more quickly permeate our bodies.

The consumption of processed vegetable oils retards the flow of oxygen from the bloodstream into the cell!

Cell membranes are not fully permeable by oxygen when people consume processed vegetable oils, and especially cooked vegetable oils, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, or other adulterated oils. Such damaged oils will incorporate into cell membranes. Once in the cell membranes, these oxygen-resistive oils will interfere with the passage of oxygen into the cell. This means that one’s cellular oxygen levels will be lower than they would otherwise be. If all one ones’ cell membranes are resistive to oxygen transfer, this one factor could so interfere with the movement of oxygen into cells, that this factor alone could result in insufficiently oxygenated cells.

Good Habits In Regard to Cell Oxygenation

We encourage you to utilize the following activities and products that will bring more oxygen into your tissues:

  • Eat Parent Essential Oils - this is the #1 thing anyone can do
  • Brisk walking, especially in an oxygen-rich environment like the seashore or woods
  • Purposeful, deeper, fuller breathing several times daily
  • Utilization of devices to increase the oxygen content of indoor air
  • Oxygen enhancing supplements such as Cell Food or ASEA.


The Decisive Factor For Ensuring Adequate Cellular Oxygen is Found in the Oils That One Eats or Does Not Eat

The reality is that the oils you habitually eat (or don’t eat) will make or break your cell oxygenation levels. So, the truth is that how much oxygen is in your cells boils down ultimately to your diet. You want to eat seeds or vegetation that contain Parent Essential Oils. Or you can supplement with Parent Essential Oils, directly for maximum oxygen benefit.

Parent Essential Oils are also called Parent Omega Oils. They are those oils which contain the very thin, oxygen-friendly oils called Linolenic and Alpha Linolenic Oils. These oils are found in Flax Seed, Pumpkin, Evening Primrose Seed, Hemp Seed, Sunflower Seeds, etc. It is important to note that these seeds and seed oils are only useful when uncooked and unprocessed. Once cooked or processed, they then become OXYGEN-BLOCKING OILS and should not be consumed. Please learn more at

In summary, don’t let your body’s level of tissue oxygenation go down (and become like a stagnant pool of water). You will pay the ultimate price if you do, of early death or early loss of quality of life.

Cited References and Links for Further Research


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Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes (sharing of ideas) only and is not intended as a substitute for one-on-one advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on a product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

* These statements, products and practices have not been evaluated by the FDA.
They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.